Bicycles and Equipment

New Stromer ST5 with Blubrake ABS wins 2021 iF Design Award

An S-Pedelec with a fully frame-integrated ABS system that combines design, functionality, and safety: the new Stromer ST5 ABS is equipped with the anti-lock braking system by Blubrake – increased safety with no compromise on design. The forward-looking solution of the Swiss company won the prestigious 2021 iF Design Award.

Design that enhances functionality and safety. In short, the very essence of the Stromer ST5 ABS, the pedal-assist bike of the S-Pedelec category that deserved the 2021 iF Design Award thanks to its unique, exclusive style and to the seamless integration of an ABS system. While delivering on their design promises with clean and contemporary lines, the Swiss engineers cut no corner in terms of safety: Stromer ST5 ABS is the first S-Pedelec in the world equipped with Blubrake ABS, fully frame-integrated and completely stealth.

An award-winning design

Stromer’s extreme attention to detail and bike design has been awarded the international 2021 iF Design Award in the category Discipline Product. A recognition that Blubrake is proud to be able to feel like their own: «We have contributed to the safety of the Stromer ST5 ABS without marring its design – commented Fabio Todeschini, Founder and General Manager of Blubrake – We take pride in what the iF Design Award acknowledges: that Blubrake’s ABS system makes it possible to design an e-bike with strong safety-conscious technologies while allowing manufacturers to stay true to their own stylistic code.»

Stromer ST5 ABS

The ST5 is the top-spec model of Stromer’s S-Pedelec category, i.e. e-bikes with a maximum assisted speed of 45km/h. Exclusive high-end components and stylish design to assure high performance and excellent riding dynamics: these are just some of ST5’s impressive array of features. As for 2021, Stromer takes a further step forward: the ST5 will be equipped with an integrated anti-lock braking system (ABS), supplied by Italian company Blubrake: added safety for daily commutes.

New Stromer ST5 with Blubrake ABS wins 2021 iF Design Award
New Stromer ST5 with Blubrake ABS wins 2021 iF Design Award
New Stromer ST5 with Blubrake ABS wins 2021 iF Design Award
New Stromer ST5 with Blubrake ABS wins 2021 iF Design Award

Blubrake and Stromer’s teams have joined forces to deliver a fully integrated solution to the rider, who can now interact with the ABS directly from the touchscreen display on the bike. ST5 will be available in stores starting June.

About Blubrake

A member of the Italian e-Novia Group, Blubrake is a benchmark company that developed and patented the first and only e-bike and s-pedelec ABS that is completely integrated into the frame, and also the first ABS for e-cargo bikes on the market. Founded in 2015 by a skilled, focused multidisciplinary team, the company’s goal is to develop the most advanced mechatronic technologies for light e-vehicle (LEV) braking systems to help mold the future of mobility and make it safer as well as more sustainable.

About Stromer

Stromer is responding to the challenges of urban traffic, ever longer journeys to work, the resulting growing harmful effects on the environment, and lack of mobility with new technologies and Swiss engineering skills. Drive the difference: when commute to and from work, go shopping, or run errands with a Stromer, you are relaxed and full of energy and have a broad grin on your face. All while managing to avoid annoying traffic jams, searching for a parking space, and waiting for a bus or a train. “Swissness” is Stromer’s promise of quality, design, precision, reliability, and respect for the environment.

M. Özgür Nevres

By M. Özgür Nevres

I am a software developer, a former road racing cyclist (at the amateur level), and a science enthusiast. Also an animal lover! I write about cycling on this website, I also take care of stray cats & dogs. Please consider supporting me on Patreon.

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