Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, the president of Turkmenistan went on a bicycle ride this morning. He was greeted by many hundreds of people forced to stand clapping for him and to join him on his ride as dancers and singers performed along his route.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, the president of Turkmenistan went on a bicycle ride this morning. He was greeted by many hundreds of people forced to stand clapping for him and to join him on his ride as dancers and singers performed along his route.
Couples that exercise together are not only healthier, but they’re also happier and get along better than those who don’t. Studies have shown that those who exercise together report higher satisfaction in their relationships, and married people who workout together have more positive marital events than negative ones. If you’re looking for a way to bond with your partner and strengthen your relationship at the same time, why not try riding a tandem bike? Although going on regular bike riding dates on separate bikes can enhance your health and well-being, there’s something about pedaling together on one bike that really brings a couple together. Here are all the reasons why you should ride a tandem bike with your significant other.
The SPORTHILFE HEROES RUN 2020 was a success! The initiative took place over the course of the last week with the goal of collecting 100,000 km on its dedicated app by exercising. A Sporthilfe Alto Adige initiative, its aim was to become a symbol of hope after months of lockdown due to the health emergency as well as a way of thanking everyone involved on the front line during this period – health operators, the police, and families, too. SPORTHILFE HEROES RUN was backed by countless athletes, including Dorothea Wierer, who raised funds to support young, talented South Tyrolean athletes. ‘Bursting with energy – let’s restart together!’
Craig Fry, Victoria University
My father Lindsay Fry passed away suddenly eight months ago. He had end stage cancer, which was found well advanced on his lung and spine. Sadly, my father died just seven weeks after his diagnosis. He was two weeks short of his 70th birthday.
Use the SPORTHILFE HEROES RUN app to take part in the SPORTHILFE HEROES RUN 2020 by registering your kilometres on foot or by bike in South Tyrol with the common goal of reaching 100,000 km between Saturday 27th June and Sunday 5th July 2020. The initiative is promoted by Sporthilfe Alto Adige and represents a powerful symbol of a region getting back on its feet as well as offering its thanks to the heroes that worked in hospitals and the A&E during the emergency.
Autism affects 1 in 160 children worldwide which can limit the capability of children to do different activities. Cycling is one of those activities that kids with autism may have difficulties in learning. The good news is being taught to ride a bike can help alleviate the symptoms of autism and there are certain skills that are developed in the process. Bike riding is an outdoor interest that offers several benefits to a child with autism from improving balance and coordination to enhancing concentration and focus.
Today I learned that former NASA astronaut, engineer, and former U.S. Navy captain Mark Kelly (Captain Mark Kelly – @CaptMarkKelly on Twitter) is a cycling commuter. He was cycling to work when he was working at NASA.
Jim Cherrington, Sheffield Hallam University
Lockdown and socialising restrictions have led to many people increasingly appreciating the great outdoors. In many areas there has been a sharp increase in the number of people out cycling and walking every day.
When you consider buying a gift for a person who has a passion for cycling, it’s a great idea to buy a cycling-related item to her/him. Luckily, you’ll have many options. Here are some cycling-related gift ideas:
Humans have been riding bicycle-like machines for close to 200 years, beginning with the Draisine or “velocipede” in 1817.
While riding and balancing a bicycle can seem simple and effortless, the actual control process used by a human rider is still somewhat of a mystery. Using mathematical equations, researchers have explained how a bicycle without a rider can balance itself and have identified the bicycle design features critical for that to happen.
However, the stability – that is, the ability to remain balanced – of a bicycle with a rider is more difficult to quantify and describe mathematically, especially since rider ability can vary widely. My colleagues and I brought expert and novice riders into the lab to investigate whether they use different balancing techniques.