Cycling Tips

10 Quick Bike Repairs for Common Problems

If you ride your bike regularly, bike repairs are an unavoidable part of your life. Bike problems can be simple or complicated depending on different bike parts.

While repairing the bike can be expensive and time-consuming, each problem requires a different repair. But not every problem needs you to contact any professional or repairing expert.

You can easily repair your bike if you know about the bike parts pretty well. Also, keep some basic repair tools ready whenever you go for a long ride.

Some common problems bike riders encounter are flat tires, skipping and slipping chains, stuck seats, noisy brakes, creaking wheels, pedals, etc.

Here we’ve listed some common bike problems along with their respective solutions.

Whether it’s a stuck seat or a noisy pedal, hopefully, a few of these suggestions may be helpful for you.

Common problems in bicycles and 10 quick repairs

A bicycle can encounter problems regarding different parts of its body. Such as problems regarding the tires, bike chain, bike seat, brakes, wheels, pedals, etc. First, figure out the specific issue and then look for the solution.

In Bikerenovate, they discussed different bikes, their distinct features, and their problems. For your convenience here we point out some common problems a bike rider can encounter that require quick, simple repair.

Repairing Problems With Tires

1. Flat Tire

Flats are simple to fix if the tire is low on air. But for a punctured tube, you need to do a little more. The wheel or the tube can also cause the problem.

A bike rider must keep a set of tire levers, a bike pump, and a spare tube/ patch kit with him.

First, you must remove the wheel before opening the brakes. Then, use the tire levers and take out one side of the tire. Separate the tire from the rim.

Thus you will be able to separate the inner tube and look for any punctures. Inspect around the tire and look for any nail, screw, thorn, or glass piece stuck there. Give it a thorough check inside. Replace the tube, add air, and put the tire back on. Then use your pump to inflate it fully.

A patch is the best option if you don’t have a spare inner tube. Repeat the earlier process. Identify the hole in the tube, apply a patch, and then put the tube back into the tire. But this is a temporary fix.

How to fix a flat tire on a bicycle: This video will give you a basic overview of how to repair a flat tire on a bike, including how to remove the wheel, replace the inner tube, and put it all back together.

2. Flat Recurring

If flat tires keep happening again and again, then note the hole’s location when you remove the tube to replace it. If the top of the tube is being punctured repeatedly, something is probably lodged in the tire. Give it a thorough check inside of the tube.

It’s also possible that your rim strip is misaligned, and the spokes are to blame if the hole keeps appearing on the bottom. Make sure the rim strip is aligned.

3. Pinch Flat

When the tube is pressed between the tire and the rim and becomes punctured, it results in a pinch flat. It is also referred to as a snake bite. When you remove it, there will be two holes on the tube resembling a snake bite. Frequent pinch flats are a sign of too low tire pressure.

Repairing Problems With The Bike Chain

After the bike tires, it’s the bike chain that causes problems more often. Problems with bike chains are slipped chains, skipping chains, and frequent chain falling.

Damaged or overstretched chains, gear indexing problems, incompatible parts, damaged cassette cogs, and adding too much lube to the chain can result in slipping or skipping the chain while pedaling.

4. Slipped Chain

It takes only a few minutes and no special tools to fix a chain that has come loose from the cogset or chainring.

Place the chain on the bottom groove of the back gear. Then cross it over the front chainring to reattach it. Reestablishing the link between the front chainring and rear cogset is the final stage.

When the chain is in the proper position, gradually press the pedal forward to move the chain back through the chainring and into the cogset.

Measuring for Bicycle Chain Wear with Park Chain Wear Tool. This video shows you how to measure chain wear using a park tool chain wear indicator (also called a chain checker) which sells for about $10.00. It’s quick and easy. A worn chain can lead to poor bicycle performance and cause excessive wear to the cogs of the cassette and chainrings leading to costly replacement of your bicycle components. The chain doesn’t actually stretch. Rather, the rollers and bushings of the chain wear creating a greater distance between the rollers. This in turn leads to poor shifting and the rollers of the chain moving higher on the teeth of the cassette or chainring cogs resulting in wear.

5. Skipping Chain

Backpedal while keeping an eye on the rear derailleur. It will help you identify the problematic link. When you’ve located the skipping link, lubricate it and gently move it back and forth until it becomes loose and free.

Keep in mind that lubricating your chains excessively might lead to a buildup of filth and stickiness. Your bike chain will move more easily if you occasionally clean it with dish soap and a toothbrush.

If the issue is with the damaged chain, then you probably need to replace the chain or the cassette.

6. The Chain Keeps Falling Off

A chain that is too long will keep falling off more often and need to be cut short if the limit screws do not solve the issue. You’ll require a chain tool.

Make sure not to push the pin all the way out while removing it from one of the links using the chain tool. The chain tool can be used to extract as many links as you need to. Line up the ends of your chain and insert the pin using the chain tool.

To ensure it is attached, attach the quick link, unite the pieces, and pull the chain firmly.

Repairing The Problem With The Bike Seat

Sometimes the bike seat gets stuck and doesn’t go down. Both conditions of too high or too low a stuck seat can be irritating and uncomfortable for a bike rider.

7. Stuck Seat

First, make the seat post binder loose and lubricate the entire area overnight to free a stuck seat. Let it sit overnight.

If the seat is still stuck then take pliers or an adjustable wrench and use it for increasing the torque. It will get your stick seat free.

How To Remove A Seized Seatpost – What To Do If Your Bike’s Seatpost Is Stuck

Repairing Problem With Brakes

Whenever you brake, you can hear a squeaking sound that indicates brake pad debris. Squeaky brakes can occur from grease layering on the wheel rim or brake pad.

8. Squeaky Brakes

Apply a simple acetone solution to clean the brake pads and the wheel rim. If this doesn’t help, the pads can be sanded with 220-grit sandpaper to eliminate the noise.

Repairing Problems With Wheels And Pedals

If your wheels or pedals cause noise while riding your bike, it most likely needs repair. Noisy wheels and pedals often need lubricating the joints and the bolts.

9. Noisy Wheels

Spokes typically cause wheel creaks. There can be two reasons behind it. Either the spokes are loose or rubbing against one another.

You can take a spoke wrench and tighten the spokes. Lubricating the joint should stop the noise if the spokes rubbing against one another are to blame.

10. Noisy Pedals

The crankarm has most probably come loose if your pedals are creaking. Bolts on the crankarm should be removed, lubricated, and then tightened to your bike’s recommended torque. Grease the threads on your pedals as well.

Concluding Remarks

Some other common problems can be wheel misalignment, loose bolts, etc.

You can take immediate action while cycling in distant places by learning how to fix common bike problems. You can also save mechanical expenses spent for every common issue.

Whether it’s a flat tire or wheels and pedals problems, you can easily repair your bike with some common problems by yourself.

Bernita Fregoso
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By Bernita Fregoso

Bernita Fregoso is a Mom, Wife, and Fitness Instructor. For the past several years she has worked as a content writer.

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